Playing Field Working Group - replaced the Management Committee in December 2023 - see bottom for terms of reference

Project photos

 The Playing Field Management held an open meeting on 22/3/23 to present some options and get feedback on what residents want to see next up at the playing field.  Based on this, a letter is being sent to all residents with a survey to ask what their preferred options for development are and if they would be willing to raise the precept and local tax to pay for a loan for a Multi-Use Games Area and/or pump/BMX track or other development for a new pavilion or more outdoor equipment or something else.  The presentation slides are below.

Slides from presentation at open meeting, 22/3/23 


Playing Field Development; Opinion Survey


The Playing Field Management Committee (PFMC) would like your input on the next phase of the playing field development programme. It is essential that the funding route for any agreed development has the support of the community which we serve. To that end, we would be grateful if you would read this and submit your preference via the online questionnaire on behalf of your whole household.

The PFMC held a village meeting on Wednesday 22nd March 2023, to present and discuss the next phase of improvements and funding options. Please see the PowerPoint presentation with notes here [insert link], then click the link below to complete the questionnaire, or scan the QR code below.


In brief, the improvement options and approximate costs are:

  • Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) £90,000
  • Pump Track (for scooters, skateboards, BMX etc) £50,000  
  • Pavilion refurbishment £35,000
  • More Outdoor Gym Equipment £15,000

We discussed funding from several sources, mostly grants, which would fund some of the proposed improvements, including a government loan which would be repaid through your local parish council tax (precept). Interest rates are currently competitive.


Grant funding options include:

  • Public donations via Just Giving
  • Local businessess donations
  • Grantscape (Landfill taxes)
  • NNC North Northants Council
  • Sports England

Another funding source being considered is a loan through the Public Works Lending Board (PWLB). This would enable the Parish Council to borrow a larger amount of money and repay via additional council tax payments. Examples of loan vs repayment is as follows (assuming 480 homes) at current interest rates.

Loans repaid over 20 years:

  • £50k = £77,760 total repaid. For a Band D household = approx. £8.10 pa increase in precept/local tax for 20 years.
  • £75k = £116,736 total repaid. Band D = £12.16 pa increases in precept/local tax for 20 years.
  • £100k = £155,616 total repaid. Band D = £16.21 pa increases in precept/local tax for 20 years.

(These examples do not take into account changes in the interest rate before applying for a loan, or changes in the numbers of houses in the village, or any other increases in the local tax in a given year during the 20 years term.)


Now please click this link to the survey or scan the QR code. It only takes a few minutes:


 /_UserFiles/Files/QR C.jpeg


Many thanks

The Playing Field Management Committee


/_UserFiles/Files/Playing Field Management Committee Terms of Reference Jan 22.pdf 






The Playing Field Management Committee was replaced by the Playing Field Working Group and the terms of reference of this were agreed at their meeting on 22/1/2024

and are here PFWG Terms of Reference 220124.pdf 


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