It's easy to forget what work goes on behind the scenes of a Parish Council, especially as much of it takes a long time and involves a great deal of persistent contact with external, local government agencies. Here are some of the successes that Easton on the Hill Parish Council has achieved since the last election.

 Improvements and developments to the play area, pavilion and playing field.

The play area is a vast improvement from the desolate and bleak area it was in 2019.  Lots of new equipment has been installed, the car park has been installed and the old derelict building demolished. 

 The sports pavilion was handed over to the Parish Council in July 2023, after the cricket club sadly folded. There is a programme of improvements planned to smarten the building up and an Augean grant has been secured.  The main hirers of the playing field and pavilion, Wittering Premiair Football Club, are also planning to carry out some improvements at an excellent rate for the council.

A new Grounds Maintenance Contractor will soon be appointed to take care of the general maintenance and statutory checks on the play equipment and pavilion. 



Wild Woodland Way

The Parish Council has applied for grants and used this money and donations for the project to transform the previously inaccessible woodland area alongside the play area, near The Deeps. It now has a stone path through the trees, a stone circle for sitting, a natural fence and a walking trail around it.  More is planned in the autumn of 2022 for bird and bat boxes, bug hotels, seating/classroom area and information boards. 


 General improvements update May 2022

The village will soon see new fingerpost signage to replace the old and varied signs around the village now.  This simple initiative will smarten up the village.

The Trees and Greens Working Group are planning another litter pick and Spring Close clear up on 9th July 2022. 

 The Vehicle Activation Devices have both been converted to solar power and therefore do not require battery charging and replacing.  They continue to provide a deterrent to speeding vehicles but more will be looked at to help reduce speeding on the A43. 


Road Resurfacing

One of the first tasks that the Parish Council set itself was to undertake an audit of the state of the roads and pavements in the village. Street by street, the council took photographs and created a comprehensive report that was submitted to the highways department. Much lengthy lobbying was undertaken to get the resurfacing done in the worst places especially on the A43 and while the council appreciates that this is a never ending issue, particularly after bad weather, the mantra from the county council that there is no money persists. However, our constant lobbying finally paid dividends as the A43 was repaired redressed.

A hard 2017/18 winter has left our roads in a dreadful state. The worst holes have been finally repaired but there are still many that need attention. The PC will continue to get this addressed by Highways repair.​

Village Defibrillators - CODE for all is C159X

Easton on the Hill now has three defibrillators with a fourth in the planning. The currently installed ones are at the village hall, the village shop with the third provided by CIPS at Easton Hall. The fourth is planned to be installed in a redundant BT telephone box between The Close and the A43.

There have been many defibrillator training sessions since the first unit being installed and is considered to be a skill that should be refreshed from time to time. Should anyone wish to host a defibrillator training session, or would like to attend one please contact the clerk

Vehicle Activation Signs

Traffic speed is a regular topic in meetings and was a major concern in the Village Survey. Since the last election the council has procured 2 mobile vehicle activations signs (VAS), both were secured by hard-won Lottery funding. Deciding on where they should be sited isn't always as straightforward as you might imagine. They have been placed in the traffic hot-spots around the village but in every instance has to have an appropriate fixing point and it hasn't always been possible to site them where they would be most needed. LATEST DEVELOPMENTS - an additional fixed, solar powered VAS was installed on the A43 on the approach to the village from Stamford early in 2018.

Village Signs

It took 18 months, but after much collaboration with the Highways Department that involved considering local wildlife, two new entry/exit signs on the A43 have updated the first impressions to Easton on the Hill. The next phase in this project is the centrepiece village sign which has already been designed as a result a competition held in 2017. Funding for this is being sought along with the old A43 signs being used to raise target total.

The Village Guide

Following the Village Survey in 2015, the Parish Council undertook to analyse the results and create a vision for Easton on the Hill. The findings were based purely on the views of those who took part in the survey and took nearly a year to collate and publish into the comprehensive document that was completed in 2016.